Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kendrick's very long eye appt.....

     Well, K had his first eye appointment today and he did great...Well he is only two months old and slept most of the time, but I still give him kuddos!!!  When they said it would take 2-3 hours, umm yea, they weren't joking!!

     Well we checked in and sat down, the waiting area was HUGE...As I sat down I noticed a foul smell coming from the children's play area and realized the source was coming from a beautiful little girl.  WHOA! So I steered in the opposite direction but the smell continued to follow us.  After about 15 minutes and the entire waiting room now stinks, then mom finally decided to change her... Well thanks to the CRAZY wind in El Paso today and the office being extremely busy, the doors opening and closing seemed to air the place out quickly!  This made us all happy..

    Then a miracle happened-I was playing on my phone, go figure.  Let me remind you again the doctors waiting room are was HUGE.  I noticed a little girl and her mother sat right next to me.  Well I didn't pay any attention to her until I realized I forgot my ID up at the counter.  So I picked up the baby and went to track down my ID and then it happened, this little girl threw up on the floor, right where my foot was.  Well I am sure it was some sort of divine intervention.  I must have done something nice that day, held the door open for someone or maybe being courteous and letting traffic go...But I had only been up for 5 seconds...

     Anyway, it doesn't really matter at this point why I was so lucky to avoid "what could have been an entire waiting room puke fest"  cause she would have hacked on me!  So I walk back over and knew that no way in heck was I gonna go sit back by this little girl... She was OBVIOUSLY very ill...She was grabbing her stomach and just looked sick.  Wearing bracelets that could only really be from a hospital and thinking, we are at the eye doctor... Anyway, so I have truly been blessed.  But out of all of this, I sat next to a nice man and his 3 year old son who had DS and had a pleasant conversation. 

     Well since Cameron is almost 8, it's been that many years since I have had a baby...I was never a huge fan of carrying a diaper bag.  Well I was definitely unprepared today.  After finding a closet area to feed the baby, cause I refused to be put next to the little puking girl in the back waiting room area, Kendrick dirtied his diaper.  So I take him to the bathroom, where there was a line.  And the poopy little girls sister was in front of me to use the bathroom...Well because of the line the mother tried putting her in the boys bathroom.  Which I would have done same thing, well this adorable little girl starts crying loudly saying "I don't like boys, I don't like boys"  I was laughing, the mother was laughing and the girl was crying.  The mother repeatedly saying " honey, I don't like boys either"  I was thinking, I know right... Well except for K, I still like him.  The entire time they were in the bathroom she was crying and saying "I don't like boys, I don't like boys" well this was pretty funny at this point, cause this girl was obviously traumatized by boys...She must have brothers...

     Well the line was too long and whoever was in the bathroom was taking for ever.. Probably the puking girl... So I decided to go and change K in the room we were waiting in.   Now, this is why I wasn't prepared... I had no baby wipes and an old disposable diaper that was torn.  I use cloth diapers now and left the house without thinking of packing those much needed Items... I did on the other hand, grab extra blankets and coats... Well, it was 75 today and I don't have air in my van, so these items were pointless to me.  But did find a way to use his fleece jacket as a diaper if it ended up that way... Anyway, I ventured out to the waiting area and politely asked mothers if they had wipes, the entire time this all went on the little girl is still crying and saying "I don't like boys, I don't like boys" yes, we get it she doesn't like boys...But she was adorable and it was really so cute that you couldn't help but laugh...

    Well eventually we do see the doctor after almost 3 hours after an initial exam and K's eyes being dilated, then we are done.  He mumbled some stuff in "eye language" to the tech and not sure what he was saying, he then looked at me and said things look okay and come back in 3 months and he has a clogged tear duct and massage it 5 times a day... That was it... about 3 minutes later and we were on our way. 

      Tonight, I am definitely drinking wine!   For sure this time....

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