Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First Physical Therapy Appointment

Kendrick had his first "official" physical therapy appointment.  Of course it was limited, he is barely two months old..But he did fantastic.  Our therapist, Patty, showed us different exercise to initiate rolling over using a pillow, an exercise ball and a laundry basket!  He rolled over twice last week and I do believe that was an accident but I am okay with that I know he did it!!!  He is a strong little boy.  He has smiled a lot yesterday and today and he talks to us more and more.  Oh I am going to miss him as he grows older.  I will miss all the firsts he is doing.  Once they are gone, they are gone:(

Carter has informed me that he hasn't had lunch detention the past two days.  He failed to inform me that he has had lunch detention the past few weeks.  He says it's fun.  Oh well, I can only do so much. 

Kendal has been studying and taking mock exams for the STAR testing, aka-TAKS testing, which I loathe.  I wish her luck!

Cameron has been learning about Costa Rica in super school.  He made a beautiful flower that represents the country and loved learning about the poisonous dart frogs...

I made a post earlier on FB and I wanted to share my final thought as this is a source of controversy.  My comment is in regards to the early DS testing being made available to women free of charge. Basically to eliminate DS from the US eventually...I find it sad.

"It comes down to this- My son could be a part of the last of the DS generation. All I want is for him to have friends who understand. Maybe a girl that he could fall in love with one day. Is that too much to ask? What if you knew your child could never have that special someone because the govt doesn't consider you worthy enough to be loved and find love? Regardless their will be many women who were like me and wouldn't have Chosen abortion. Many of the women who found out after birth didn't know. But what if they could have? I haven't met one woman who regretted their child finding out after birth their child had down syndrome. This test will take the surprise out it it. Less and less people with DS will be born. I am not here to judge, I look at my guy and he is PERFECT, but DS- I believe is the #1 "so called birth defect." I call it an alternative lifestyle. God wanted these people here for a reason. A reason I am already finding out. I don't necessarily believe its some fluke chromosomal abnormality. Because it happens all the time. That isn't coincidence that is life."
This is my last post on this topic. 

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