Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Just about me!

Well I am 36 now, oooh that burns just saying it!  I am the mama of 4 kiddos...Carter is 11, Kendal is 9, Cameron is 7 and Kendrick is 2 months... And that's it!!!!  Regardless of what John says, if we were guaranteed a girl, we will NOT be having a 5th child...

My dream job would be able to work with FEMA, Red Cross and work in Emergency Management.  I have moved to an area where this will never happen...Happy for the folks of El Paso, but crap doesn't happen here..The crap that does happen-I don't want to be part of...(Juarez) I don't want any part of that terrorist/drug cartel situation.  Emergency Management (FEMA) falls under the Revision of the Homeland Security Act and when you go to school for EM, you also learn the truth and nightmares about drugs/terrorism... Learning these facts just causes me to drink more!  I would love to teach school age children preparedness when it came to hurricane/tornado safety...or someday travel to areas that have been devastated by these disaster and offer assistance.

My hobbies are vague! Since I really have nothing I really want to do, except drink wine.  That's my big goal, I know I am a loser hugh!!!!  yea, I don't care...I miss my friends, the military life can really suck.  We do not live close to family.  This brings me back to the drinking... I would love to run a lot, I can vision myself doing this in my head all the time but I haven't been lately..Granted I just had a child, the will just isn't there yet... My actual hobby if money and time allowed, I would just travel around the United States and enter races such as the "tough mudder" well you get the hint, I have made this known about me...

My personal goal is to just raise my kids to be productive members of society and hopefully give back.  To be as compassionate as they can be...Let me tell you, this ain't going to be easy because of who I live with.  Especially since he is sitting behind me yelling profanity to a ridiculous video games...This again brings me back to the drinking...

I really don't drink a lot, actually not enough for the life I lead.....None really in almost a year..

I am not really into fashion or hair or make-up... I feel my daughter has been wronged by me and my choices to avoid these girlie things. ... I really just like my own thing!  All my fashion/music/make-up advice was from Nichole, which brings me back to sometimes the Army can suck and also why I drink!  But it's our chosen lifestyle and has been good to us...The Army, not the drinking...The drinking, I just got more kids....

I don't really like to shop...I know right, I am so boring... Well I do, but this is all wrapped up with what I said in the paragraph above and been there done that...Time to move on!  Except, I will continue to talk about the drinking...

I live in El Paso.  I like it here... But no scenery at all!  Except Juarez and that takes me back to paragraph 2...I can just look out our window and I have seen all that there is.... You have to be open minded to live here, I think I am very open minded. 

Gosh, am I that boring?  No I am definitely adventurous...But my lazy family can suck sometimes... If I could just drag them to do fun things with duct tape on their mouths and not have CPS called on me, I might...Oh and I am including John also!  He might need a little more tape though ;-)   

Well that is all for now!  My neck is killing me and I can guarantee when I stand up, my body will be in the shape of me still sitting down...


  1. I will clarify, I have ran, just not as much as I hoped I would be:(

  2. LOL about the drinking wine comments. Glad I found your blog!
